2023 New Year's Resolutions

Goals for the New Year

Here are a selection of articles written by others that I'm using as inspiration for my learning and growth this next year.

Drawing People Deeper into the World

I read through all of the manuscript submissions for World Anvil. There were some great articles in there! These three not only embodied the playful nature I want, but they got a bit meta (writing about writing) - where the reader really is being drawn in. They include references that connect with the reader and make them want to look around the world seeking more fun.

Callahan Fallen
Document | May 13, 2023

Mirescosmo plays with writing a bit of a pirate adventure here, or rather telling the story of someone who lived a pirate adventure and then wrote about it. It feels a bit like Gulliver's Travels. The sample on the article is a bit of purple prose, which is delightful and sets the tone for the work the author is talking about. The writing elsewhere on this world is excellent, showing that this author has a powerful control of tone and style. This one trapped me into reading more of the available world. If I'd had more time, I would have kept reading. As an intro to the website, it definitely pulled me and made me a world follower!

Mysteries of the Codex of Durul Vuliim Al-Hsatar: A Treatise
Document | Dec 26, 2023

Eldknighterrant sets out to share a confusing document in this article. The document contains fascinating graphics to break up the long form content and start you wondering about what these things could be. In addition, there's this little tidbit: "But who in the ashes of burning Andaen would design an entire star chart for a fictional world?" This cracked me up because my World Ember involved working on a star chart from my fictional world. Meta funny!

Additionally, this reminded me of the type of document you'd find in a Myst game, with the symbols almost making sense, calling you back time and again to see if you could sort out the pattern. It feels like if I explored this world more deeply, there would be treasures of discovery. What a great reward for readers.

The Collected Works of Zinthrano
Document | Feb 17, 2023

DMFW has used this article to pull together many different aspects of the world, while creating a table of plays that show the bredth of this character's imagination, and by extension DMFW's creativity.

Reminiscent of a list of Shakespear's plays, you'll see references to historical figures, and cultural events spread throughout the list which includes love stories, tragedies, and comedies.

Part fantasy, part science fiction, this overview turned me into a follower of the world and I look forward to seeing what other surprises await.

Learning how to welcome people to my world

One of my challenges this month has been learning how to write a world primer, an article that helps people learn how to read the world, and gives them ideas of where to go next.

Guide to Solaris
Generic article | Oct 21, 2024

Your Guide to Solaris, the Solar Invasion, and more!

This guide article is carefully crafted to provide a lot of information with few words. Beautiful graphics and a clever layout help you bounce from space to space and keep reading.

I particularly like the chart of planets that you can hover over and that has pop-ups of bite sized information to give you just a teaser of what is to come. Technologically it feels very rewarding to interact with the graphic this way.

As in Eldknighterrant's work in the last section, this feels like a reward for readers.

Learn to Live in the Shadows of Dead Gods
Generic article | Jan 3, 2024

An introduction to Cathedris -- a world rife with colossal dead gods, terrifying monsters, and emerging technology.

Cathedris was one of the first worlds I discovered in World Anvil. As a master of layout, Stormbril shows how to make the best use of the space on a page while making it easy to read.

Art, music, web design, and prose combine to entertain and draw the reader deeper into the world. Stormbril uses CSS to give the reader the reward of having uncovered more information, making this feel more game-like than some of the other worlds.

I've bought the code, and I want to start customizing it and working it into my articles for that sense of reader engagement and reward.

Building fascination

Condition | Jan 15, 2024

An affliction of addiction; the doom of scholars and writers more reliant on substances than willpower.

I struggle to have time to read long articles, but this one is a great example of one that builds fascination so that I went back and read it several times.

The "disease" or "addiction" is devious and builds upon a temptation that would make it hard for anyone to resist. Because surely, it'll be safe to just try a little bit. This illustrates an understanding of the dangers of addiction and combines reality with fiction, creating a universally accepted reality, easing the reader into the story world, making it feel more alive.

Putting Down Roots
Generic article | Jan 2, 2023

Laurabones has a way of writing that draws me in and makes me want to turn the page to the next article and keep reading. In this article she introduces her familiar, and I had to read on to see what other sort of adventures the two would have. I was not disappointed.

Laura uses a very comfortable font in her work that helps to set the mood.

Her stories have the comfort of a cup of tea and a warm fire. When I'm exploring her world, I want to curl up with the cat and stay for a while, reading and enjoying the twists and adventures she blends with her magical style.

Generic article | Sep 15, 2023

Wil and Airy sat at their desks writing words over and over. The ink dripped from their quills and followed the indents they made on the page with their thoughts.

Each of George Sander's articles that I've read is a piece of a story, complete in itself, but tying together into the greater story of the world. I find myself drawn in each time I read one, and always wind up reading a few others at the same time, letting the pieces flow together into a mosaic of beauty, emotion, and intrigue.

What I love about these stories is that they can be read in any order, and yet the story begins to take shape. The template articles (places, for example) aren't dry or didactic, but rather they introduce us to the people and events happening in that space. I want to bring this storytelling ability into my world!


Spaceport is a playful world. I want to explore ways to bring that sense of play and adventure into articles.

150 Shades of Buffet
Document | Nov 25, 2023

From the color scheme to the design, this world screams playful. This is Emily Armstrong flexing her considerable writing skill while just having a great time.

The topic and the content play together with the colors and style to set the mood of the piece.

Read the document to get a sense of the experience and to read the very real recipe. I could see this world being turned into a real cookbook.

AO5 System
Geographic Location | Jul 24, 2023

A solar system from District 1. The AO5 System contains five planets, all of which were named by a resident of Karkhala.

I love all of the articles I've read in Mochi's Yonderverse. Playful and often terrifying, they'll make you laugh and give you nightmares.

The playfulness of naming a sun Pamela and the planets Bob, Dave, and Steve is just one example of the humor that flits throughout this universe.

New Yoke Times
Organization | Sep 9, 2023

he New Yoke Times (the Times, NYT, or the Gnome Trader) is a daily newspaper based in District 7 of Clockworks City with a national readership of 840,500,000 paid print subscribers, and a growing 421 million paid digital subscribers. It's a producer of po

Any discussion of playfulness would be incomplete without a reference to Wanted Hero! Tongue in cheek and yet with many ties to the real world, so that there's a sense of laughing both with the author and at what he is treating with satire.

As an artist, Jaime's art and style make every article come to life. Excellent use of fonts to capture the mood as well.

Cover image: Happy New Year! by Deleyna via Midjourney


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Jan 15, 2023 18:51 by TJ Trewin

An excellent selection of articles! I hope you have a super inspiring year of worldbuilding :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Follow me on Bluesky for more pixel art :D
Jan 15, 2023 18:57 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks, TJ. I enjoyed (survived???) my first World Ember. I'm feeling even more motivated this year!

Jan 15, 2023 20:14 by Mochi

A great set of articles! Thank you so much for including one of my articles! I am quite proud of that particular article, I'm glad you enjoyed it too! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.  
Jan 16, 2023 06:00 by Deleyna Marr

I've learned so much from reading your articles!!!

Jan 15, 2023 20:52 by Annie Stein

Best of luck with writing your own guide/primer! I'm so glad mine could help you along the way

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Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jan 16, 2023 06:01 by Deleyna Marr

Thank you! We'll see how I do. I suspect it'll go through a few more iterations. LOL

Jan 16, 2023 00:40 by Stormbril

It's a joy to see an article of mine included among these other fantastic choices! I'm glad it was able to offer some inspiration :D Here's to a great and successful 2023!

Jan 16, 2023 06:02 by Deleyna Marr

Thank you, and much success for all of us!

Jan 16, 2023 07:24

Congratulatiosn on surviving your first worldember! :D Those are some amazing articles you picked, and I hope you have a great 2023!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jan 16, 2023 08:40 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks! I have so much to learn!!! And while World Anvil is the most empowering tool I've ever found, it is also the most distracting with all of these beautiful shiny worlds and stories to explore!!!

Jan 16, 2023 15:36 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

Congrats on your progress! What a nice showcase. I will have to check them out soon. God bless and much success with your creative journey in 2023! <3

Jan 16, 2023 22:45 by Deleyna Marr

Thank you!!!

Jan 18, 2023 17:24

Wow, a really great selection of articles, all of them inpirational! I love the way you organised them and related them to what you want to achieve for your world.

Jan 19, 2023 03:44 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks! Trying to have focus for the next year!

Jan 19, 2023 18:20 by Jaime Buckley

Awww. Thank you, Deleyna, for including me in your article...though i don't feel deserving. I came to this page to be inspired myself to do some reviews of the worlds around me...and we are all motivated by different things. Different aspects of worlds and worldbuilding.   Appreciate you my friend, and I look forward to seeing what you do with the unequaled tools now available to you. =)

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jan 19, 2023 20:04 by Deleyna Marr

There's a magic to the way you integrate your drawings into the world. Just delightful! And you know your audience. That's a challenge!!! You inspire me.

Feb 6, 2023 15:45

This is such a great selection of articles, and thank you for including my little pirate story among them (also, your feedback for all of the articles is so lovely and thoughtful). Wishing you lots of inspiration and growth for both your worldbuilding and writing this year!

Feb 7, 2023 20:56 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks! And I loved your pirate story!!!

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