Antarean War Council

Antares is ruled by the War Council, also referred to as just the Antarean Council.

The history of the council has been lost to the fog of time and war. It is believed that the governing power of the planet was turned over to the War Council when war with Eridani Prime was declared. No one is quite sure what form the government took before the war, although some have suggested that it might have had democratic origins.

The council is made up of ranking military commanders combined with heads of industry. There are never fewer than 5 members of the council and no record of there ever having been more than 15. Regulations require that there never be an even number of members so that there is never a tie. A deadlock in decision making in time of war threatens the entire planet. It is believed that any stalemate must be immediately rectified.

In the earliest records, such a stalemate is mentioned and was reportedly resolved by hand-to-hand combat. The winning party was the one with the most survivors, not surprisingly made up of the military contingent.


Current Members of the Council:

  1. Supreme Commander - Ultimate military authority
  2. In-System Commander - In charge of planetary defense
  3. Training Commander - In charge of military training
  4. Extra-System Commander - In charge of offensive maneuvers
  5. Ship Builder Guildmaster - leader of ship building
  6. Weaponry Guildmaster - leader of weapons manufacturing
  7. Personnel Manager - responsible for population control and disposition
  8. Rations Manager - coordinating farming and supplies for basic needs
  9. Economics Manager - coordinating disposition and availability of funds

Public Agenda

The Council's agenda is to lead the Antarean people through the war. Survival of the planet is its main focus.

Everything else, including the cultural heritage of the planet, is seen as secondary to survival.


When the war started, a state of emergency was declared and power was turned over to those with military expertise.

As the war has continued, positions have consolidated and responsibilities have changed. Anything non-essential has been cut from the budget.

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Victory is all!

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