Letters from Camp - Extended Weekend Edition - July 15-17

The Struggle is Real

I'm ashamed to even try to write up a report for the last 3 days. I think this will be so boring!

We got the new prompts on Saturday and that was delightful, even though my brain went completely blank.

Saturday and Sunday, I worked hard on my everyday work and got those projects in a much better spot.

And then Monday came. I was supposed to be with my Granddaughter - and I did get to see her and cuddle her. Driving home with her in the car, however, the car's engine broke down. My husband came and took her back to her parents while I spent the day getting the car to the mechanic. We'll see. Doesn't look good. It may be related to an accident that happened to me about a month ago (someone hit me while I was parked!!!) - who knows. Just waiting to hear.

You'd think that meant I spent a chunk of the day working on writing, but I started by working on a project that I thought was done for a client - and it got a major redesign, so it is now a lot further from done than it was this morning. Oh well.

On Sunday's stream, we talked about self-care, and I've been thinking a lot about how we need recovery time. I definitely need recovery time from having the car die and all of the stress of getting it to the mechanic, etc.

End result?

No progress.

I'm trying to be positive and remember that tomorrow is a new day.


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Jul 18, 2023 01:55 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

sending love and hugs! I know it can be frustrating, but I am glad you are reminding yourself that tomorrow is a new day! And keeping in mind that it is important to take care of yourself as well. Have a little break time to yourself to recover from all this, and don't even worry about not writing. Just do something peaceful that you enjoy. You should then become refreshed and may even have new ideas and ways to approach prompts that have been giving you difficulty. <3

Jul 18, 2023 02:00 by Deleyna Marr

Thank you. Mostly I just needed time to hide in my office and cry. It's a sign of just how tired I am that this feels like the best solution. One day at a time!

Jul 18, 2023 02:03 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

*hugs* yes, one day at a time! It's good to experience the emotion and do nothing but just think things through and give yourself time to process. <3

Jul 19, 2023 01:13 by Deleyna Marr

Exactly. Feeling a bit better today.

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