Marelia (/mer ə liə/)

A mostly water world known for its elaborate culinary school. The Marelians live underwater and have perfected the art of food. While Marelians can be found around the galaxy, often at Lighthouses, the main culinary school on Marelia is a succulent treat for the most discerning of diners. Known for having the most elaborate and delicious meals anywhere in the galaxy.

Come hungry!


From the surface, visitors can be misled by the seeming stillness and flat surface of the water.

Beneath the water lie stunning vistas, mountains and caverns, forests of kelp of every color, and plunging crevases that defy the imagination.

Localized Phenomena

The three moons combine with the lack of significant land masses to create unique tidal and weather patterns. When the lunar bodies align, the Triple Tide event will cause the sea levels on the opposite side of the planet to drop dramatically causing light to reach much closer to the sea floor than it would normally.

Triple Tides come only once every ten years. These events are celebrated by the locals by returning to their native waters and feasting with friends and family.


The temperature range is relatively stable across the surface of the planet with the ocean currents free to encircle the globe. The only land masses are a few islands that are actually the tops of some of the dramatic underwater volcanos. Other masses that appear to be solid are actually only tightly woven masses of kelp.

Fauna & Flora

Marelia boasts the widest variety of kelp species in the universe. As there are no landmasses that are not covered by water, all vegetation is water based.

The aquatic life forms on this planet are varied and vibrant.

Natural Resources

The most obvious resource available on this planet is water.

Exports include:

  • salt
  • kelp and other ocean grown food sources
  • chefs


Any visitor who is capable of surviving under the oceans is welcome and can freely explore the native cities.

For those used to living on the surface of a world, the Marelians have built a series of tourist venues where you can be in a pressure and atmosphere controlled environment while also being transported beneath the water's surface.

Aware that this essentially traps guests in a very small environment, the natives seek to make these spaces as elaborate and indulgent as possible. Expect resorts of the finest quality, and of course you'll be fed by the finest chefs in the galaxy.

Visitors have no need to worry about allergies or dietary restrictions. All guests are offered a

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Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Deleyna via Midjourney


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