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Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2023

Somewhere in your setting, describe
a settlement at the limits of the "known" or "civilized" world
A total of 308 entries

Reòta: The Enigmatic Fabled City of Mechanical Marvels

Solenopolis: the city on an anthill

SC.2023.12. Undana-Rama Village

Dovylka, The City on the Edge of Darkness

The Hollows of the Greenhorns.

Frontier - The Western March

Akesoli - the gateway to the West

Halflax - The settlement of Half-Orcs

The cavemen of the sealed temple

Kippira, the Frozen Wildes

Fort Castrum Military Base, Aumesa Captaincy

Deepening Gate the Vaulted City

The Settlement at the edge of reality

Three-Trees, Gateway to the Deep Lament

Faur'ricai, Seat of the Survivalists

Northern Seat of Power - Maragarde