ProfPorterfield Progress Report

Diabolus fecit, ut id facerem!

The Docks

288 words

Hangman's Hill

291 words


231 words

The Missituk River

523 words

Hekeziah Massey

1574 words

The Barking Chain

491 words

Jeremiah Orne

310 words

George Locksley

607 words

206 words

ProfPorterfield Progress so far

56823 words 568.23% completed!

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What can define a person in words? Only sound and fury. I remain as I am, undefined and flowing; changeable as the seasons or the hands of my watch - present but moving. Father, Grandfather, Husband, Jew, Texan, Typesetter, Book Hoarder, Conjurer, Dreamer, Straight Shooter, Lover of the Bright and the Dark - the Exalted, the Profane, the Mundane, and the Arcane, Adorer of Old Movies, Unrepentant Bookworm, Jokester, Trickster and Self.

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