Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.
The half-elf flim flam man and bard known as Atticus Ashbury-Smythe hails from Molndal where he claims to be the younger scion of a noble house. No one has ever been able to confirm this.
A world of magic and conflict where the gods have withdrawn and mortals have seized their own destiny.
The gruff no-nonsense co-head instructor at Gold Arrow Station. He isn't afraid to tell it how it is.
The soulforged Head Instructor at the Orientation Auditorium in Gold Arrow Station.
On Anamas Eve a loose organization of supernatural beings join forces to give presents to as many children as possible.
Also called Chagroth's Army, the military force based at Chagroth's Tower mixes magic and military power.
The coffers of House Molndal employ an army of professional soldiers. This mostly human army displays their tiefling members to promote their diversity.
A great feast held on the 23rd of Anamber to commemorate the forging of Anam, the God of Justice.
A type of gourmet golem made from cake and butter cream that resembles a bear. They melt in warmer climates and must be brought to cold places to survive.
Mighty supernatural beings who have allied with the mortals of the Kirinal Concordance Zone.
The divine forces who serve Anam gather together at the Citadel of Anam to defend the world.
The home islands of the Talino people are an archipelago of tropical islands strategically placed as a crossroads for three continents.
The warriors of western Lozar fight alongside mercenary war mages at the Fortress of Kirinal.
The unique combination of magic, Hex Crystal technology, and interdimensional devices found in the Kirinal Concordance Zone. The Kirinalos have access to a differnt dimension, world, or plane every Days of the Week.
The united military forces of the elven people of Erathia. They fly into battle on Telperion Skyships and flying mounts.
The great spirits of the Heavenly Council's first attempt to distribute gifts to all the children in the Zone encountered quite a few problems.
An army of necromancers controlling skeletons supported by a goblin horde. This time, they're defending the world, not taking it over.
After the destruction of the Transmog Oven, the Baku Backups attempt to keep the recovered children safe from the predations of Aswang.
The innovative dwarven forces of the Tortoise combine craftsmanship and magitech. The earth dwarves have left the "old ways" behind.
The Kirinal Concordance Zone has adopted the Talino word for a class of feudal warriors. Maharlika are full citizens who earn the title with five years of service to the Concordance.
Hordes of orcs and northern barbarians have put aside their traditional rivalry to form the most fearsome army in the Kirinal Concordance Zone.
Weaponizing my ADHD for the good of humanity.
Hello, my name is Chris, but I go as kitoypoy all over the internet and it's become my WA handle slightly by accident!
I'm a Filipino-American living in Florida and I've been playing RPG's, mostly D&D on and off since the early 1980s.
I'm here on WorldAnvil to document the generic fantasy setting I came up with as a teenager and transform it into something unique to me. I'm taking my upbringing as a diasporic second generation Filipino and giving it a fantasy twist.
As I've iterated through my campaign world, updating it and changing it for each edition of D&D, it's become a living place. A world of immigrants and native-born working together to build a new future together.
Old traditions constantly butt up with new ways of living. The residents of my world struggle with holding on to the past while becoming better versions of themselves.
All that, plus weekly interdimensional invasions, skyships,and magic robots who just want to be loved!
Welcome to the World of Wizard's Peak! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Visit the Primer: KCZ to learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.
Check out my challenge winning article: Ghost Boy.