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IbbyWondrous Progress Report

The Underside

The Underside is a hellish underground cave system where the souls of the damned reside to suffer for eternity.

460 words


Devils, the demons of Pride, are undead demonic humanoids known for their good looks and high status.

1426 words


Nightmares are spider-like demons who can manipulate and consume souls through their dreams.

772 words

Flesh Caverns

The flesh caverns are caves made of meat and gore that the Blood Demons make their home.

271 words

The Nest

A massive system of giant spiderwebs that Nightmares make their home.

185 words

Selene Russel

Selene is one of the four members of the reformed Goddess Knights.

2115 words

Kyski Nuvari

Kyski was a member of the original Goddess Knights, and the father of Marc Lee.

1335 words

Faellen and Nelleaf Ramifus

Faellen and Nelleaf were espers and coijoined twins that were a part of the original Goddess Knights.

1730 words

Enchanted Mirror & Dimentional Mirrors

Powerful arcane artifacts made from quartz mirrors.

1064 words

IbbyWondrous Progress so far

9358 words 93.58% completed!

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I am an artist and aspiring comic writer. I like fantasy stories with colorful aesthetics and cute characters. I love elves. A lot.   Someone in the 'world and story building' channel recommended this site, and since my comic idea has a lot of lore, I thought it would be useful to me.   All the images I use for my pages are done by me. You can check my links to see other art I've done.

Interests & Hobbies

World Building, Art, RPGs, A E S T H E T I C, elves, 80's anime girls, Space, Fantasy, animation, comics, web comics, spooky stuff, etc.

Favorite Movies

  • Dead Leaves
  • Redline
  • Interstella 5555
  • Summer Wars
  • (I don't watch movies much. Sorry.)

    Favorite TV Series

  • Steven Universe
  • JJBA
  • Land of the Lustrous
  • Gravity Falls
  • Ranma 1/2
  • Urusei Yatsura
  • Durarara
  • Favorite Games

  • Shadow of the Colossus
  • Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild is my favorite)
  • Maplestory
  • The Elder Scrolls Series
  • Stardew Valley
  • Yume Nikki (and fangames)
  • The Sims
  • Dragon Age
  • Latest Loved work



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