
In the world of Eonaris

Visit Eonaris

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Phase 1: Warm-Up - Chapter 3

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Equal Oppertunity

Shortly after…

Kai sat tensely on the metal chair. The sterile coldness of the room heightened the tingling on his skin, amplifying the restlessness growing inside him. Every breath felt like a sharp knife cutting through his lungs. The air wasn’t just cold; it felt as if it was intentionally trying to torment him. Before him stood two men—the broad-shouldered head of security for the racetrack, with sharp facial features, and Victor Reece, the charismatic team leader of Reece Racing. This wasn’t just a normal meeting, but a confrontation between Kai’s past and his potential future.


Victor Reece, a man of impressive stature, filled the room with his mere presence. Standing 182 centimeters tall, with dark blond hair streaked with silver and piercing gray eyes that reflected a deep life experience, he was not someone easily overlooked. Every move he made radiated authority, as if he was used to giving orders and seeing them followed. The scar above his left eyebrow, a relic from his tougher days in racing, and the traditional ring on his finger bearing the family crest, spoke of his long-standing connection to this world. Everyone who knew him was aware that this man didn’t need to misuse his authority—he earned respect through his actions alone.


The head of security scrutinized Kai with undisguised sharpness and was the first to break the oppressive silence. "So, you thought you could just show up here and sneak your way into our system?" His voice was harsh, full of reproach. His broad shoulders tensed as he leaned forward slightly, and his eyes gleamed as if he had long expected to deal with someone like Kai. For him, this wasn’t an unusual situation—he had seen many wannabe racers who thought they could achieve quick fame without discipline.


Kai remained silent, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He felt the weight of the pressure building on him. His pride battled against the rising fear. He knew there were no words that could avert the punishment that seemed inevitable. The stares of the men before him were like weights pressing down on his shoulders. Yet, deep in his emerald green eyes, a spark of triumph flickered, a quiet reminder that, despite everything, he had achieved the impossible. No one could take away the fact that he had conquered the track.


Victor Reece crossed his arms over his chest and regarded Kai with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. "You have talent, I can’t deny that," he began calmly, his voice carrying the authority that came with years of leadership. "But talent alone isn’t enough. In this world, rules and discipline matter too." His words hung in the air like an invisible wall Kai crashed into. He knew these words were the mantra of every great racer—rules, discipline, responsibility. Victor stepped closer, his eyes narrowing as he gazed piercingly at Kai. "What were you thinking, boy? Who do you think you are?"


Kai swallowed hard. "I... I just wanted a chance," he finally stammered, his voice shaky. The words echoed in his head as if they were the only thing he had left. A chance. That’s all he had ever asked for. That’s all he had ever had. "A chance to prove that I’ve got what it takes."


The head of security let out a rough laugh. "A chance? You took the chance to break all the rules! Do you even realize what consequences this could have?" The harshness in his voice left no room for sympathy or understanding. To him, Kai was nothing more than a rule breaker who had no clue how much responsibility came with this sport.


Victor raised his hand, silencing the head of security. "Let him speak." His tone was calm, but his eyes bore into Kai like sharp daggers. For a moment, something flashed in his gaze that Kai couldn’t interpret. Was it curiosity? Or maybe even a kind of understanding? It was as if Victor was trying to discern every little detail about Kai, every secret he might be hiding.


Kai felt the pressure becoming unbearable. This was the moment when everything would be decided. He knew that every word he spoke now would determine his future. But how could he explain what had driven him here without sounding like a desperate boy? "I know I broke the rules," he said finally, his voice quiet and trembling. "But I had no other choice. I have nothing... and no one. I’ve worked my way up, taught myself everything. And I’ve proven that I belong here." His voice grew stronger. The spark of pride flickered again, this time brighter, as he looked Victor directly in the eyes. "Look at what I’ve done. I’m not just an orphan boy anymore."


Victor raised an eyebrow slightly and coolly reminded Kai, "You almost threw the Galaxy Racer into the wall on the last turn." A faint, sardonic smile appeared on the head of security’s face, but Victor ignored it. Kai’s stomach clenched. That cursed turn! He had felt overwhelmed in that moment, but now he realized that it might have cost him the respect he so desperately sought. Victor observed Kai for a while, his expression unreadable, before he sighed softly. "You remind me of someone," he said finally, his voice taking on a gentler tone. "Someone who risked everything to pursue their dream."


For a moment, Victor seemed to drift back into his own past, recalling memories of what he had gone through before the war changed everything. Kai’s heartbeat slowed as he noticed the change in Victor’s expression. Was that a glimmer of understanding? Or perhaps sympathy? But Victor shook off the thoughts and returned to the present with a sharper voice. "But rules exist for a reason, Kai," he continued. "You put everyone’s safety at risk here, just to satisfy your ego."


Kai’s objections caught in his throat. The harsh consequences of his actions suddenly hit him in their full severity. It wasn’t just about his own dream, but also about the trust he could have gained—and now had put on the line.


The head of security nodded at Victor. "We should hand him over to the police. That would be the proper course of action."


Victor remained silent for a moment before shaking his head. "No. We won’t do that." He turned away from Kai and addressed the head of security. "The boy's life has been hard enough. Escort him out and make sure he doesn’t break in here again."


Kai felt as though the ground beneath him was crumbling. A dark, bottomless pit threatened to swallow him. But when he sought Victor's gaze, he saw a glimmer of respect, faint like a small light breaking through the sternness. It was as though there was still a tiny chance.


"Give me a chance!" he suddenly burst out. Kai gathered all his courage, his voice clearer, stronger. "I may not come from a rich family, and I’ve never flown a real race, but..." His eyes flickered to the Galaxy Racer visible through the distant window. That was his dream, his life, everything he had ever wanted. He swallowed hard, his mouth dry. The desperation inside him was palpable, but he knew this was the moment where everything would be decided. His hands, which had just been lifeless in his lap, clenched into fists. "But how could I? If it weren’t for that mistake in the turn, I would’ve beaten every other participant! Give me a chance. If it’s about money, I’ll work for you. And if I don’t meet your expectations..." His fists loosened. "... then I’ll leave without a word of protest."


The room remained silent as Victor Reece processed Kai's words. The tension was almost tangible. Every heartbeat Kai heard seemed to make the stillness in the room heavier. The air felt thicker, nearly suffocating, as if it, too, was carrying the weight of this moment. Time seemed to slow down. The hum of the neon lights above, the faint sounds of distant workshops, all faded until only the pounding in Kai’s ears remained. It felt as if he were trapped in a vacuum where only he and Victor existed. Kai could feel the team leader’s gaze weighing on him, as though Victor was trying to gauge the seriousness behind Kai’s offer. The head of security, who had maintained an aggressive stance up to that point, appeared unimpressed by Kai’s passionate plea.


Victor, whose expression had barely changed, finally let his arms drop and took a step closer to Kai. His movements were deliberate, almost threatening in their calmness. Each step echoed in Kai’s mind like a verdict drawing nearer and nearer. His words followed with the same weight: "So, you want a chance. You think you have what it takes to make it here at Reece Racing?"


Kai nodded vigorously, perhaps too vigorously, but he couldn’t hold back the urgency in his voice. "Yes! I know I can do it! Just give me the opportunity to prove it!" He felt his hands ball into fists, his knuckles white with tension. Every fiber of his body seemed ready to fight, to defend itself, no matter against whom or what.


Victor stayed silent for a moment, studying Kai from head to toe, as if trying to uncover the young man’s true strength. It was a gaze that wasn’t just looking for the obvious but seemed to pierce into Kai’s innermost being. As though Victor was trying to see if the boy really had what it took to meet his unspoken expectations. Finally, he sighed softly. "Fine. But," he added sternly, "this won’t be a free pass. You’ll work as a test driver to prove your skill. But make no mistake—you won’t just be driving."


A look of confusion and slight fear crossed Kai’s face. "What exactly do you mean?" He tried to keep his voice steady, but the uncertainty was unmistakable. Whatever Victor was about to ask of him, it already sounded like more than he had anticipated.


"You’ll also work as an assistant on the team. We can’t afford to take someone in just for their talent. Everyone starts small. That means you’ll do the dirty work—changing tires, cleaning vehicles, carrying tools, whatever’s needed. And if you have the discipline and will to push through, maybe one day you’ll be more than just an assistant."


The words hit Kai like a punch. The glorious vision of stepping into the spotlight as a talented pilot shattered before his eyes. The harsh, unrelenting reality forced him to face his own insignificance in the grand scheme of things. His heart sank as he imagined toiling away in the workshops while the other pilots spent their time flying the legendary Galaxy Racers. It felt as though his dream of becoming a pilot was slipping further out of reach. But a part of him refused to give up. A quiet, determined voice whispered to him that this was his only chance. And even if it meant taking the hard road, it was still a road.


"I understand," Kai said quietly. His voice revealed the humility he felt in that moment, but also an underlying determination. "I’ll do whatever it takes." It wasn’t the response of a broken boy, but of a fighter, someone ready to endure, no matter how far he had to fall at first.


The head of security frowned. "This is ridiculous. He has no experience, Victor. He’ll only slow the team down." His words pierced Kai like needles. It was as if the man took personal pleasure in tearing him down, in keeping him small. Every sentence felt like an attempt to strip away the hope that Kai had fought so hard to keep.


Victor shook his head. "He’s got more heart than many who walk through this door. We’ll see what he’s made of." Victor’s voice was calm, but there was a finality in his words that left no room for debate. It was clear he had made this decision because he saw something in Kai that others couldn’t. Then he turned back to Kai. "You’ll get your chance, boy. But remember, we’ll be watching you. One mistake, and you’re out."


Kai swallowed hard but nodded. The relief that washed over him was bittersweet. He had made it—at least for now. But the weight of expectations now rested heavily on his shoulders. Relief mixed with a sense of humiliation. He would have to prove himself, not just as a pilot, but as someone who didn’t shy away from the hard work behind the scenes. It was bitter, but it was a path forward.


Kai left the office where the negotiations had taken place and felt the cool breeze blowing through the corridors of the massive Reece Racing building. The chill on his skin felt like a reminder of how cold and merciless this world could be. Yet at the same time, it brought clarity, a reminder of the fight that lay ahead. His thoughts raced as he tried to process the last few minutes. Had he really just agreed to work not only as a test driver but also as a simple assistant? The thought was almost surreal. Just a few hours ago, he had dreamed of taking control of one of the Galaxy Racers, and now he was about to deal with the everyday tasks of a mechanic.


The reality of his offer slowly started to sink in. He wouldn’t be the shining pilot gracing the covers of holo-magazines. No, he would be hauling tires, maintaining engines, and supporting the pit crew. It was anything but glamorous. But maybe, he thought, this was the price one had to pay for real opportunities. Very few had the privilege of jumping straight to the top. It was a bitter pill, but one he was willing to swallow.


Kai sighed as he walked through the corridors, approaching the vast racetrack. The familiar scent of oil and fuel lingered in the air, mixed with the metallic echo of tools clattering on the floor. To many, it might seem ordinary, but to Kai, it was the smell of possibilities, of dreams waiting for their breakthrough. The arena lay before him, still and empty, like a sleeping beast waiting to be awakened by the roaring engines of the Galaxy Racers. In that moment, the silence seemed oppressive, but deep inside him, something stirred—hope. As small as it was, it was there.


He stopped and stared at the track stretching out in front of him. In the distance, he could see himself, one day racing over the asphalt with the crowd cheering for him as he stood on the podium. It was a dream, and he had finally found a way to reach it. Even if it wasn’t in the way he had imagined. This moment, as insignificant as it might seem, was a reminder that every great dream starts small. Maybe this wasn’t the beginning he had wished for, but it was a beginning.


A quiet cough snapped him out of his thoughts. One of the team’s technicians approached him, holding a clipboard. "You’re the new guy, right? The assistant?" The technician’s voice was rough, as though years in the pits had taken their toll. He didn’t seem unfriendly, but he wasn’t particularly thrilled at the prospect of training yet another inexperienced kid.


Kai hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, that’s me."


The technician gave him a brief once-over, then gestured toward a corner of the pit area. "Good. Here are your work instructions. Start with the tire sets, and we’ll go from there." He handed over the clipboard with little emotion, as if this were just another routine task. But for Kai, it was much more—it was his first step into this world.


Kai took the clipboard and looked at the list. It was simple but hard work, and he knew this would be his reality for the foreseeable future. But instead of feeling discouraged, he gripped the clipboard tighter. This was the first step, and every step counted. He knew this path would be hard and rocky, but he was ready to walk it. "The locker rooms are at the end of the hall. Grab something that fits from the laundry. When you're done, I'll show you the staff quarters and explain the rest, so hurry up," the technician said, sounding tired, a reflection of the tough work that lay ahead for Kai.


As he followed the first set of instructions, stacking the heavy tires, a spark ignited within him—a small flame of pride that he hadn’t been sent away. Every tire he lifted, every bead of sweat that rolled down his sharply defined cheeks, was proof that he wouldn’t give up easily. This struggle, small as it was, meant more than it seemed on the surface. Yes, it was hard. But he had made it. The first hurdle was behind him. Now it was up to him to keep pushing forward, step by step.


As he looked up, he saw the track in front of him once again. It was still far away, but now it didn’t seem so unreachable. A small smile crept onto Kai’s lips. He had won the first battle, and with every step he took, he got a little closer to his dream.


It was a long road ahead, but for the first time in a long while, he felt that this path was leading somewhere. And that alone was enough to give him renewed strength. He knew the road would be long, but now he had something he didn’t have before—a chance. And he wouldn’t waste it.


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