Bubble Shuttle

Bubble shuttles are the primary method of transportation from the Spaceport on Earth to the space station in orbit.

These vehicles resemble a large soap bubble. The interior seating can be adapted for different cultures and their needs. While it is not uncommon for the entire hull to be transparent, to allow for full and unobstructed views, the hull can also be configured as opaque to keep from unsettling any passengers with a fear of heights or other adverse experiences related to flight.

Externally, the hull is equipped with elaborate invisibility shielding, making these the perfect vehicles for travel on an interdicted world.

Most transportation is controlled by the AI controller of the Space Station, but controls can be made available for those who wish the thrill of actually controlling the vehicle.

Simulators of the bubble shuttles are available in the Arcade allowing for even local pilots to improve their skills.

A bubble shuttle is the ideal way to explore outside of the Spaceport. Limited tours are available and can be booked from the welcome desk at the hotel. Any travel beyond the normal route from the Space Station to the 'port must be approved in advance to prevent violation of the interdiction. Please remember that while the locals are somewhat limited in their technology, they are not idiots and will notice if appropriate precautions are not taken. Any violation of the interdiction will be prosecuted.

Free Agents are reminded that all asset gathering must be processed though proper authorities on the Space Station.

Armor and defense

Adaptive invisibility shielding

This article is a stub.

I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Owning Organization
Complement / Crew
autonomous, occasionally AI controlled, however easily piloted by one person
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Max passenger capacity: 10 depending on size and weight. Maximum load capacity is 3000 lbs.


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Jan 8, 2025 01:36 by Marc Zipper

This is cool. be able to observe you descending down to the ground or leaving the atmosphere and launching into space. When your in space dose the bubble shuttle have its own artificial gravity, or do you float around as you are transported? It would be cool to float around and see space from all different sides and angles. I appreciate how you mentioned that you can make the shuttle physically solid for those who are afraid heights and other fears; it's a fantastic concept.

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