
Feline species spread throughout the galaxy. Home world is @fel

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names start with M' prefix

Masculine names

Masculine names start with S' prefix


Major language groups and dialects

Language seems to vary greatly and every member of the species seems to include gutteral sounds like purring, hissing, and growling as significant forms of communication. They are highly adept at learning languages, so they tend to adapt to the local language wherever they are living.

Felidae have very expressive ears and amongst themselves will communicate entire conversations with ear movements.

Common Etiquette rules

You can tell what opinion a Felidae holds of you by the personal distance they enforce. If they like you, you'll find them touching you often. If they do not like you, you will likely be unable to find them at all.

Foods & Cuisine

Felidae are meat eaters, known for particularly discerning palates. This sensitivity to food is most likely related to their heightened sense of smell.


Beauty Ideals

colorful fur

strong tail - the shape and flexibility of the tail is considered especially representative of an individual's beauty

Courtship Ideals

A male will often shower a female with gifts in an effort to gain her attention and be invited to court her, but in this matrilineal society, all mating is initiated by the females.

Often the oldest female of a clan will strongly suggest appropriate mates for females in the clan.

Younger females have been known to leave the clan to avoid arranged pairings.

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