Star Dragon
I saw a star dragon once. Mighty beast. Terrifying. Can't imagine how they survived in space like that!
The star dragon was a fearsome beast that could breathe fire and fly between planets. The species was wiped out long ago by a deadly virus that infected its scales and made them fall off, leaving the creatures vulnerable to the dangers of space. It is believed that some were able to seek shelter on hospitable planets and may still exist there, but there is no evidence to support this hope.
Little is known about this magestic species.
They were huge, often being mistaken for comets. Largely solitary creatures, they did come together to form small family units during mating and child rearing. Incredibly long-lived, once the eggs had hatched and were ready to fly on their own, the mating pair would usually separate and resume their solitary lives.
It is believed that they survived by eating rock from asteroids.
While many consider them to be a myth, there is a taxidermized juvenile specimen in the Stellar Biology Museum on Nigantu.
Star Dragons were a myth! They never really existed. I mean, seriously. A dragon flying around in space?
While most mythological dragons were believed to hoard things, there is no evidence that the Star Dragons engaged in this behavior. Perhaps this was because their native habitat (space) is not conducive to storing things, or perhaps because they never existed to begin with.
Basic Information
Star dragons have four legs and two wings. Dragons use their strong legs for running and climbing while their wings provide flight. They were protected by thick scales that protected them from the wide range of temperatures and pressure differentials they encountered in their trips between the stars.
These beasts were capable of breathing fire, which they often used as an auxilliary means of propulsion.
Horned heads and a streamlined body shape protected them from the impact of interstellar particles.
Ecology and Habitats
Living largely between the stars, these dragons would periodically inhabit barren moons, turning them into lairs where they would presumably mate and raise their young.
This article is a stub.
I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.
What is better than an earth dragon? - A STARdragon. I like those scaly beasts, but now I am sad that they got "H.G.Wells"-ed
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Yes, poor things. Hopefully some have survived in hiding...