Acute Alien Xenophobia
Author's Note: trigger warning.
This is a sensitive topic for some, bordering on political.
If you suffer from xenophobia, please do not read this article. I'm using a real illness in a fictitious context.
Xenophobia, as defined by the medical staff at the Spaceport, is the fear of aliens. More than just fear, however, this is an unreasoning terror that causes an individual to devolve into panic at even the first mention of an alien.
Part of the reason behind the Spaceport Badges is to prevent humans from accidentally being exposed to aliens without first being screened for xenophobia. This protection is also evidenced by the interdicted status of Earth.
Humans are unpredictable when suddenly exposed to aliens as this can cause an immediate shift to their world view... or galactic view as the case may be.
While the type of humans who frequent the 'port are generally pro-alien, it is important to remember that they see "alien" in the same light as they see fictitious characters. Encountering unequivocal proof that aliens exist and are here on vacation can push sensitive individuals into a dangerous state.
Having them running out of the 'port screaming that aliens exist is inappropriate.
The 'port's Doctor Asheesh Singh Shrivastava has recruited colleagues from elsewhere in the galaxy to help him devise a treatment so that individuals who develop Xenophobia during their time at the 'port can be safely released back into society.
Sadly, no humane and limited version of a "mind wipe" has been discovered. Short of completely erasing the person's personality, the change in world view is permanent once it has occured.
Transmission & Vectors
Can be developed from childhood, but more often triggered by an unfortunate encounter with an alien species.
Fear of anyone who is different - often shows up in humans who have not yet encountered aliens as a fear of other races.
Depends on the individual and the source of the trauma
It is believed that early positive exposure to many different races and species can help prevent Xenophobia, however it only takes one truly traumatic event to trigger it in someone who is susceptible.
This article is a stub.
I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.
Very good use of something real converted to this sci-fi setting!
It would be really problematic if those humans were jumping through the airlocks into outer space while screaming about aliens being real... until the moment the air is gone, of course!
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