Arrow of the Wayfarer

The arrow is crystalline, with an iridescent shaft that refracts light into prismatic patterns. Its fletching seems to ripple as if it is alive. The point is sharpened iron, so sharp that even the lightest touch can cause a cut. (In the gift shop, the tips have been covered in safety material.)

The true power and beauty of the arrow is the shaft, representing the Irionan view that the journey is more important than the end point. While it can function as a powerful weapon, the arrow's deeper purpose is to help point a person toward becoming their truest self. Subtle vibrations quickly tune to the holder's own energy fields, creating a heightened intuition and focus.

Some say that if you hold it and ask to see your future mate, it will shift in your hand and point towards your true love. It has been known to point towards a person's deepest desire, tying into subconscious wishes and dreams and bringing them to a conscious level.

Holding the arrow and thinking of causing harm to another person causes the shaft to change into a black rod with all beauty removed. It will then function as a traditional arrow, striking true to its target if fired by someone with even moderate skill.

Those who have attempted to fire it in a fit of passion or anger, however, have reported that before it undergoes the transition, it will trigger a vision that may shake the user out of their desire and create a willingness to find peace.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The crystal shaft may appear fragile, but in reality is stronger and much lighter than steel. While the method of manufacture of the shaft is known only to Irionans, some have suggested that this is a naturally occurring phenomenon that is harvested rather than constructed. The shafts are decorated with elaborate patterns and inclusions, reminiscent of marble. As a person holds the shaft in both hands, mists begin to form in the structure and some have reported visions of their past or future.

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I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Item type
Current Location
Related ethnicities
36 inches long

Cover image: by Deleyna via Midjourney


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Jan 30, 2025 10:44

While I get some "Pirates of the Caribbean" compass vibes from this arrow, it is still a weapon that can be bought freely at the gift shop. Please tell me that there are restrictions on the purchase (like: "Not made for human hands").
Still I like it!

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