
Given a choice, Caballarians would never leave their home world.

This highly empathic species prizes living in harmony with its environment and others.

Considered exotic in the slave trade, and extremely advantageous in business dealings, the few who have been appropriated by slavers fetch among the highest prices in the galaxy. It is unheard of to see one that is not a slave off-planet as they universally prefer to return home after their contracts expire.

Equine in appearance, they are capable of walking on 2 or 4 legs. Their forelegs end in hooves that upon inspection are jointed and made up of 3 finger-like structures and a thumb. When held together, they form a solid walking structure to increase their speed when they choose to walk on four legs. When they are not around outsiders, they will tend to walk on 4 legs, but when around bipedal races, they tend to adapt and walk only on two legs.

Caballarians are much smaller than the average equine, often no more than 3 feet when measured to the shoulder.


Average technological level

The focus on Callabas has not been on technology. While they are extremely intelligent and capable of using advanced technology, it is considered a violation of their codes of harmony to use it. This has left them culturally vulnerable to exploitation.

Foods & Cuisine

Caballarians are vegetarians, both by digestive necessity and by belief system. Their heightened empathy makes it impossible for them to eat anything that might have even a limited level of sentience.

Coming of Age Rites


Beauty Ideals

The longer a person's mane, the more beautiful they are considered to be. Since caring for one's mane often requires the assistance of others, the mane is also seen as a sign of a healthy familial bond.

Relationship Ideals

The family unit is considered the primary structure for relationships, with the second structure being that of vocation.

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