
Caballas is the fourth planet around the sun Equus in the Pegasus Galaxy.

While there is no pleasing everyone, Caballas is known to be one of the most pleasant environments. This is often cited as the reason why so few of its inhabitants ever choose to leave.

The natives are highly intelligent, and prized throughout the universe for their empathic abilities.

Due to increased slaver activity in the area, don't be surprised if the natives are reticent to interact, however.

Tourist accomidations are within clearly marked zones and are generally staffed by workers brought in from other planets.

Things to do when visiting:

  • Commune with nature
  • Swim in the lakes

Things to avoid:

  • Never attempt to ride one of the natives. While they may resemble creatures used for transporation on other worlds, these highly intelligent individuals will be extremely offended if mistaken for a beast. Anyone attempting to ride them will be asked to leave the planet immediately.


This fertile and eminently habitable planet has 4 distinct seasons, although all are comparatively mild.

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