
The planet Deinos is a tropical paradase for all. Resorts abound along the unspoiled beaches.

Note: use caution when approaching the water. Swimming in the ocean is not advised due to the size and aggressiveness of native wildlife.

The two dominant species, Therosians and Saurichians, live in peace and harmony with their environment and delight in sharing their bounty with visitors. Those looking for more educational pursuits will delight in the research and edification facilities managed by the Therosians while those just looking for relaxation and chill vibes will find the Saurichians more to their taste.

While some people can find the reptilian ancestry of these species daunting, be aware that the natives are highly advanced technologically and intellectually.

Note: screaming and running for your life is considered extremely rude.

Things to do while visiting Deinos:

  • Tour the Therosian University Grounds and attend a lecture by one of their philosophers
  • Visit the hot springs on the Isle of Bubbles
  • Explore the area around any of several active volcanos
  • Visit the Saurichian resorts and bask in the sun
  • Take an adventure filled submarine ride to see the native aquatic lifeforms in safety


Deinos is a large planet mostly covered by shallow oceans, which result in the high humidity on the islands located along the equator. Mountains on Deinos are not overly tall, and the oceans are not overly deep. Geographically, the habitable area would be considered mundane if not for the sheer beauty of the dual sunsets and the lovely beaches.

Localized Phenomena

The planet has many volcanic regions. Please use caution when traveling near active volcanos.


Known for its high humidity and relatively stable weather patterns, Deinos is tidally locked to Aldibain, which is a giant yellow star. It has a 3:2 rotational reasonance, meaning that it rotates 3 times for every 2 rotations around Aldibain. However, Aldibain is a binary star system with a companion located 5.1 arc seconds away, an orange dwarf star. The two have an orbital period of about a millennium, so the planet's orbit is slightly excentric.

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Inhabiting Species


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