unknown - The Spaceport Crew call them Cinnamon after the color of their mane.
As a child, they entered service to the Controllers. Since childhood, they'd travelled in space with their owners, but never adapted to space travel. After several years at the space station orbiting Earth, when the station was abandoned, they took a risk and hid, terrified of getting onboard another ship.
Found by the humans, they were emancipated and came to live at the Spaceport on Earth.
Allowed to explore their own interests for the first time, they discovered a love and natural skill with fashion. They opened The Clothes Horse several months later, the first clothing boutique in the Spaceport.
Physical Description
Body Features
They resemble a small, petite horse. Capable of walking on four legs and traveling at speed, they still choose to walk on two legs whenever possible so as to blend more easily with the humans.
Mental characteristics
Gender Identity
Intellectual Characteristics
Their race is known for unusual mental abilities similar to mind-reading. They are often employed as truth sayers and used for advantages during negotiations. While Cinnamon is far from the best example of this, they do have the ability to understand people's wishes, a tool they use in crafting clothing that will make each person feel like the best representation of themself.
Personality Characteristics
Known for being endlessly cheerful after their emancipation, they strive to be a productive member of the Spaceport community, willingly working harder than needed. They have no memory of their home, and sometimes dream of seeing it, except that this would require another space trip, something they find terrifying.
Personality Quirks
Terrified of space travel
Clean to a fault, choosing to dry bathe several times each day.
Contacts & Relations
Friends with Lily
They struggle with advanced speech patterns, never having had a formal education.
This article is a stub.
I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Aww, poor little thing! I just wanna tuck them into a cozy box so they don’t have to stress about space travel anymore. You know, I bet they could totally blend in as a mascot for a kids' show on Earth. No one would even notice (humans can be pretty clueless), and they’d never have to deal with the scary, harsh space around the station again!
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