Lead Banker
Among the bankers of the Intergalactic Banking Institute, the Lead Bankers hold the highest public-facing rank, often similar to what in other professions would be seen as ambassadors, sent in during advanced negotiations. They will have proven their skill in negotiations and showed an aptitude for financial negotiations that leave all parties feeling as if the negotiation has been profitable, all the while making sure that either the Institute or their employers come out with the best deal.
These individuals work on a commission basis and often wield great personal wealth. They will make a show of their wealth whenever it can benefit their negotiations, but if they find themselves negotiating with cultures who do not see personal wealth as a strength, they will adapt their approach.
When humans encounter their first lead banker, they misunderstand the character's motivation and see him as some sort of cross between a pirate and a slaver. Eventually they learn to work with the bankers as they expand their reach out into the galaxy.
Because of their gifts with mathematics, the majority of lead bankers are Galeuns. This has caused the unfortunate association of the title with a carnivorous fish on Earth, causing the locals to refer to them negatively as "sharks."
Accoutrements & Equipment
Each lead banker will have their own personal spacecraft which is able to travel at high rates of speed, often capable of navigating the transport nexus without being directly attached to a Transgalactic Recreation and Exploration Interconnection Nexus Vehicle. This gives them the freedom to be where needed when needed.
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