Intergalactic Banking Institute
This illustrious guild ensures that commerce continues uninterrupted across the vast territory throughout the Intergalactic Alliance.
Lead bankers are assigned to each region of the galaxy, managing the financial institutions within that territory and helping to smooth relationships between the different organizations, peoples, and cultures.
While they do not maintain their own military, members of the galactic alliance sign agreements that they will assist the Banking Institute with troops whenever necessary to maintain the peace and free trade routes.
Each local government will maintain their own banking policies, but all must cooperate with the IBI, hence this is a consortium or syndicate. Exchange rates between different member organizations are handled by the Institute, making sure that no one entity's wealth system overrules that of others. By ensuring free and equitable trade - equitable being defined as what the Institute sees as balanced - peace is maintained within the galaxy.
When war breaks out between any rival factions, the Institute is quick to impose sanctions and controls, limiting the flow of funds and assets until peace can be restored. When necessary they will conscript militaries from neighboring communities. They have been known to conscript the militaries of the warring factions, essentially forcing peace because the military has been diverted elsewhere. This process is frowned upon by most autonomous regions and so is employed only as a tactic of last resort.
New members to the Galactic Alliance will have a meeting with an Institute representative, usually a Lead Banker, to determine how their economy will fit with the galactic standards. This process usually involves some loan negotiations or asset transfer to ensure that the new world has an adequately funded account.
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