TheNotebookWizard Progress Report

alan m rogers ~ the notebook wizard

The Magic of Intention & Circumstance

The first and most important laws of magic.

1561 words

The Disillusioned Dirigible

1684 words


Magic is. It always has been. It always will be. It is infinite possibilities; it is beautiful and it is terrible. It is a burden and a gift. It defines us, creates us, destroys us, empowers us and enslaves us.

2914 words

Emily Caswell

Niece and secretary of Minister Fudge

5063 words

Ambient Magic

1405 words


Gnomes are wiser and more mysterious than anyone is comfortable with. Maybe even them.

3049 words

Winged Serpent

Winged Snake

1784 words

Grand Library of the Wizengamot

The Grand Library of the Wizengamot is the largest magical library in the world.

3636 words


1545 words


The unliving and ageless guardian of the Dark Forest

2287 words


Transmutation is the transformation of matter from one form to another

529 words

Hidden Council

The council advising Her Majesty on matters magical

1018 words

Ministry Historian

The Official Historian of the Ministry of Magic

943 words


Alchemy is the ancient art of creation and transmutation

1134 words

High Magic

High Magic is the unifying magic of witches and wizards - the one magic all can use

1375 words

Ars Magica

1686 words


The Unliving have never died, but they have given up life...

5260 words


Shambling corpses and rotting bone commanded to rise from the grave

1654 words

The Basics of Magical Materials

1192 words


1425 words

The Remnant

1077 words

Epochs of Beings

327 words

TheNotebookWizard Progress so far

42548 words 425.48% completed!

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Life skills teacher, disability advocate, organizational aficionado, and compulsive writer, I outsource my brain into paper.   My students call me the Notebook Wizard, because I always have my notebooks, and like magic, my notebooks know all. (Or, at least, most of what I know lives in them.)   I've been on the internet since BBS and Usenet were big deals, yet I've never really been into video games. And I'm never more at home than I am with fanfic, fandom, and role-play (writing or running a table.)   I have a great love of story and I believe in the necessity of make-believe. I'm not quite grown up enough to stop thinking that one of these days, I'm going to live on a starship or get rescued from a dragon by a princess.

Interests & Hobbies

Tabletop RPG Online RP writing

Favorite Movies

Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Jupiter Ascending, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Big Jake, Hellfighters, Battle Beyond the Stars, Thor, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Favorite TV Series

Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine, Bones, Castle, Hart of Dixie, NCIS

Favorite Writers

Raymond E Feist, Mercedes Lackey, Nathan Lowell, Ari Marmell, Michael A. Stackpole

Favorite Games

Star Wars: The Old Republic Starflight