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Mon Nov 29th - Sat Jan 1st

WorldEmber 2021

10,000 words, 31 Days, $1000+ in Prizes!
Number of Entries 191718
Number of Competitors 37238

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!


Finish 2021 with an achievement! Start 2022 with a bang!

We challenge you to write 10,000 words of new worldbuilding content this December! Check out the prizes and rules below!
All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!

Read The Rules View Leaderboard

WorldEmber 2021 is proudly sponsored by:

Prize Categories

It's super simple! Complete 10,000 words of fresh worldbuilding during December and you're a WorldEmber Winner! You'll be entered into the prize winners' raffle. There are bonus challenges to win some extra shiny badges on your World Anvil profile, and some awards give bonus prizes! Check below to see what you could win!


Over WorldEmber you can win over $1000 USD of prizes, including some amazing goodies from our Sponsors! All WorldEmber participants who achieve a word count of 10,000 words or more will be automatically entered into the WorldEmber Prize Winners' raffle, for a chance to win some awesome prizes!

Wordcount Badges

Going the extra mile with your wordcount? There are extra badges if you do!

Award of Eloquence : write 10,000 words! Achieve this, and you've won WorldEmber!!
The Award of Verbosity : write 25,000 words - a small novel’s worth!
The Award of Loquacity : write 50,000 words - just like NaNoWriMo, but for worldbuilding!

Please note that higher wordcounts will be vigorously checked for copypasting, plagiarism, and rule breaking.
Don't risk disqualification over a badge!

Badges With Prizes

The following achievements get a bonus prize AND a rare badge!

Community’s Favourite Article : chosen by a community vote based on the top most liked 10 articles with a unique author*
Community’s Favourite Body of Work : chosen by a community vote based on the top 10 authors with the most likes*
Most Words : chosen based on the most WorldEmber-eligible words written
Human of the Match : for a good spirit who has ranked high in many categories and has really captured the community spirit of WorldEmber. Given at the World Anvil Team’s discretion.

* At the end of WorldEmber, there will be a community poll to vote for these. They will be drawn from the most liked articles. Only the most liked article per author will go forward, so don't despair if one person in particular is dominating the leaderboards!

Special Categories

Special categories are an opportunity to win an exclusive badge! To be eligible, submit an article that is at least 300 words long using the button on the right side of the editing page for that article. You can submit articles to 10 different categories (there's one for each article template), but you can only submit a single article per category! You need to complete WorldEmber with a 10,000 total word count for your articles to be sent to the judges.

Note that the Prose, Generic Article and Session Report templates are excluded from this list and have no special category.

To enter a special category, click a template below and get worldbuilding! Check out the prizes in each special category to see what you could win!


The goal of WorldEmber is to achieve 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content on World Anvil during the month of December. The platform will automatically track the words you write!

Words which count towards WorldEmber are:
  • Words written in articles only. Any words written in timelines, RPG blocks, maps, notes, secrets or historical events DO NOT count towards your total wordcount
  • Words written in PUBLIC articles (rather than private) and PUBLISHED articles (and not drafts)!
  • Words written in articles created after the start of WorldEmber (30th November 2021 at 19:00 GMT)
  • Articles will only add to your wordcount if they have over 50 words

  • Special Provision: Stubs If you have a stub (article under 50 words) written/started before the beginning of December you can enter it into WorldEmber.
    In order to do that, follow these instructions carefully:
    1. Open the article that has a wordcount of under 50 words
    2. click on Avanced Tools & Options on the right hand side
    3. click the SPECIAL ACTIONS tab on the right hand side
    4. Click the Reset Date button. This process will update the creation date of the article to the current date.

When does it run?

WorldEmber happens throughout December:
  • PST (Pacific USA)
    • START: 11:00 on November 30th
      END: 11:00 on January 1st
  • EST (Eastern USA)
    • START: 14:00 on November 30th
      END: 14:00 on January 1st
  • GMT (Greenwich Mean)
    • START: 19:00 on November 30th
      END: 19:00 on January 1st
  • AEST (Australian Eastern)
    • START: 06:00 on December 1st
      END: 06:00 on January 2nd


If you’re eligible for a prize (which you will find out during the WorldEmber 2021 Awards Ceremony Stream and/or associated blog post) you will have 2 weeks to contact us with your postal address, email address, and full name. By submitting this information, you also give your permission for World Anvil to pass your details on to the prize-giver. This will allow the sponsor in question to send out the prize(s) to you. We can also give you the sponsor/company’s contact details so you can address any further questions to them directly.

If you are eligible for a prize - be it community favorite, prize draw winner, special category or most words - your work will be checked for cheating.

The following acts count as cheating:

  • Like boosting via secondary “alt” accounts
  • Word count boosting (for example, using Lorem Ipsum / placeholder text or copy & pasting other author’s work or reference material).
  • Plagiarism
  • Creating non-worldbuilding content with the intention of winning a particular badge, prize, or special category. This includes blog posts as articles, dev/project updates, and other meta posts. WorldEmber is about worldbuilding!
  • For Special Categories in particular, all artwork used MUST BE CREDITED. Art theft isn't cool, and using it to win prizes could get you disqualified.
Whilst we recognize the need to share your work in order to accrue community likes, excessive campaigning or spamming on the Discord server will lead to Moderator action. For tips to share your work without being excessive, check our this blog post!

The words must be your own original worldbuilding content.
All judges' decisions are final.

Sharing your work

Since many of the prize categories of WorldEmber involve community likes, it’s a good idea to share your work on social media, with your friends and family, and with the wider worldbuilding community.

Join us on our Discord server to get feedback from other worldbuilders! Excessive campaigning or spamming on the Discord server will lead to Moderator action.

Use the hashtag #WorldEmber on social media and the official World Anvil social media accounts may share your work for more exposure! You can also stream your World Anvil worldbuilding sessions over WorldEmber! To get access to the official community streaming pack, download it from our streaming page here!.


How do I enter?
    Make your free account on World Anvil, create a world, and get writing! The website will automatically track your word count progress.

Do timelines & category pages count?
    Nope! Check the rules! Words written in articles only. Any words written in timelines, RPG blocks, maps, notes, secrets or historical events DO NOT count towards your total wordcount.

The leaderboard is delayed with wordcount/likes, why is this?
    The leaderboard information refreshes periodically to prevent it from creating lag on the website. Check back in an hour or so and it will have updated! In the meantime, why don't you GO WORLDBUILD?!

Can I copy in my old work or stuff I did in NaNoWriMo?
    Verbatim copying of previously done work (even your own!) is not in the spirit of the competition, but expanding on previous work - for example, creating a book bible extrapolated from the first draft of a novel - is just fine.

Do I have to pick a single world to work on for my wordcount?
    Nope! Wordcount is per author, so you can write across as many worlds as you like!

What about co-authors?
    Multiple co-authors can write in a single world; their word counts are accumulated based on individual user, not the world they write in.

How do I get people to like my article?
    You can increase the visibility of your articles by sharing them on Social Media - remember to hashtag #WorldEmber and the official World Anvil Social Media may share your post! Remember that your fans will need a free World Anvil account in order to like your article and show their love! Like-boosting through alternate/multi accounts will disqualify you from any prizes you might otherwise have won. For more tips to share your work and get more readers, check out this blog post!

When will the winners be announced?
    The winners will be announced at the WorldEmber 2021 Awards Ceremony stream, a special live-streamed Awards Ceremony on our Twitch - The projected date for this is in January 2022. If you can't tune in live, you can watch on VoD, or read the companion blog that we release which will contain a full list of usernames of all the winners! We will keep you updated on our Discord and social media nearer the time!

When will the badges be given out?
    Once the Awards Ceremony has taken place and all the winners have been announced, we will start the process of giving out the badges. World Anvil has over 1,000,000 users, though, so this might take a minute! Please be patient!

I won a prize. How do I claim it?
    The prize winners will be announced at the WorldEmber 2021 Awards Ceremony and also listed on a blog post. This will probably be in January 2022, but we'll confirm this nearer the time. If you have won a prize, you have two weeks to email your World Anvil username, name, email address, and full international postal address (double-check it!) to [email protected] (Due to GDPR regulations we destroy all information after use, so even if you've won a previous competition we will need your address again!)
    If you do not claim the prize within the allotted time, it will be distributed at World Anvil's discretion.

When is my prize coming?
    Most of the WorldEmber prizes are donated by our amazing sponsors, and they are the ones responsible for shipping your gifts! Once we have your details, we pass those on to the sponsor, and the sponsor will fulfill delivery within a month. So, six weeks or so after the prizes are announced, you should have your prize! If by then you still haven't received something, we can provide you their contact details for any further questions.

Why do my articles have to be public?
    Articles need to be public in order for the word count to be updated, and also for our team to be able to check for any cheating.

Can I make my articles private, or delete or edit things after the event?
    After the Awards Ceremony, yes! If you make your articles private or delete them before the ceremony has taken place, you may forfeit your digital badge or your prize, as our team will be unable to check your work for cheating.

Can I sponsor a prize?
    Well, aren't you awesome for asking! All our sponsorships are full for this event, but if you are interested in becoming a sponsor for one of our future events, let us know at [email protected]!

How do I submit my article to WorldEmber?
    All eligible words are automatically counted by the World Anvil platform. You don’t need to do anything except write them!

How do I enter an article for a Special Category?
    To take part, simply write an article using the specified template. A shortlist of the top 10 articles - as judged by community favorites - will be submitted to the judge of the competition, which is almost always the sponsor of that special category. The judge will choose the winner at their own discretion, by their own means. There is a maximum word count limit on special category articles. If your article exceeds 5,000 words it will not be counted in the shortlist. Even with this limit, the judge would potentially have to read up to 50,000 words of worldbuilding to pick a winner!

How does the judging of Special Categories work?
    Each special category is sponsored or bestowed by an individual or company (check the details further up the page). The judge may or may not have a prize for the special category, but each one has a unique badge to win. The top 10 articles by most likes (not including multiple entries from the same user) are checked for cheating & plagiarism by the World Anvil team. All articles are then passed to the judge, who will pick a sole winner at their discretion and own judging criteria. The judge of the Special Category will have until 21st January to make their decision. If they are unable to do so in that time frame, the World Anvil Team will adjudicate for them.

What is Human of the Match?
    The Human of the Match is a competitor with a good community spirit who has (usually) ranked high in several categories, and has really captured the community spirit of WorldEmber. They may be a prolific commenter, have a team spirit, and concentrate on lifting up other competitors and furthering the art of worldbuilding rather than their own private goals - basically, a great human. This award is given at the World Anvil Team’s discretion.

Worldember Special Categories

Click on a prompt to write your response.
Let the games begin!


Vehicle special category

Sponsored by GACUCon
Prize: art commission from Fushark

Species special category

Sponsored by Kobold Press
Prize: DnD 5e supplements from Kobold Press

Character special category

Sponsored by Eldritch Foundry
Prize: custom-designed miniature

Title special category

Sponsored by
Prize: marble dice set from Dakota Irish

(super)natural law special category

Sponsored by
Prize: full-color illustration of the article

Profession special category

Sponsored by Secere Laetes
Prize: 12-month Master Guild Pass

Language special category

Sponsored by Kal Vorpahl
Prize: The Language Construction Kit and Advanced Language Construction by Mark Rosenfelder (physical or ebook)

Tradition special category

Sponsored by E. Christopher Clark
Prize: a copy of Janet Burroway's "Writing Fiction" (or a $20 book store gift card) and a full-color illustration of the tradition.

Military conflict special category

Sponsored by R. Dylon Elder
Prize: $100 Amazon gift card

Building special category

Sponsored by The Bearded Heathen
Prize: 1-year subscription to Master level (or equivalent cost added to your current subscription)

Material special category

Sponsored by drunkenpanda951
Prize: $100 giftcard for Hero Forge

Document special category

Sponsored by Tris (necromancertris)
Prize: a selection of 3-5 books related to the template.

Item special category

Sponsored by Jeroen Heijster
Prize: either $50 added to your Guild subscription or a $50 gift card for the World Anvil Store

Ethnicity special category


Spell special category

Sponsored by Amy Winters-Voss
Prize: $50 gift certificate for Jet Pens

Geography special category

Sponsored by Michael Chandra
Prize: $50 giftcard for the World Anvil Shop, DogMight, HeroForge, Modiphius, DrivethruRPG, or FrogGodGames.

Technology special category

Sponsored by Ademal
Prize: a year of CuriosityStream

Condition special category

Sponsored by Barron
Prize: $50 Zazzle giftcard

Organization special category

Sponsored by Denver White
Prize: a course of your choice from DND Skills

Settlement special category

Sponsored by Dragon
Prize: a mystery worldbuilding book box

Military formation special category

Sponsored by ML Hammond
Prize: $50 giftcard for

Myth/legend special category

Sponsor: Christopher Dravus
Prize: Copy of Ironrise

Plot special category

Sponsor: Tillerz
Prize: $50 voucher for the World Anvil Shop, DogMight, HeroForge, Modiphius, DriveThruRPG, or FrogGodGames.

Join the Race!

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!



Authors by Words
(WE Winners+ only)

Top Authors by Total Likes

Top Entries By Likes

Top Authors by number of Entries


  • 1 17 Omna's decay by Catoblepon
  • 2 17 Strawberry Fields by Dylonishere123
  • 3 16 The Filking Plague by SableAradia
  • 4 16 Chaos Corruption by Kefkejaco
  • 5 13 Humbrain by melior64
  • 6 11 Glowless by PrincessESH
  • 7 10 Dream Slips by Orthais
  • 8 10 Puppeteer Sig'sith by Catoblepon
  • 9 10 Wishes by ikenbon
  • 10 9 Machina Virus by Endrise
  • 11 9 Burnout by Jarhed
  • 12 8 The Storm Plague by invadersforever
  • 13 8 Soulbound by Endrise
  • 14 7 The Whaleman's Creed by The Humbug
  • 15 7 The sweats disease by AmélieIS
  • 16 7 Cold Fire by Kriltch
  • 17 7 Life Forged by Lyraine Alei
  • 18 5 Baux's voice by Catoblepon
  • 19 5 Withering stomach by Catoblepon
  • Important Document

  • 1 21 Encyclopedia Nioratha by Kefkejaco
  • 2 16 Bountypedia by Kummer Wolfe
  • 3 15 Janikk Educational System Course Catalog by SolarCat02
  • 4 14 The Book of the Habits and Beasts by Naelin
  • 5 12 Tygodnik Magiczny by KajetanWrites
  • 6 10 Magium Inquisition: Kir'A'Rrak, and the Cult of the Golden Spiral by ikenbon
  • 7 10 Woodland Pact by nnie
  • 8 9 The beacon calendar by Soulwing
  • 9 8 Click HERE Next by Game Master Guru
  • 10 8 SETO Accords by Jarhed
  • 11 8 Act of foundation of the empire by AmélieIS
  • 12 7 Index of The Book of Sex by Naelin
  • 13 6 Lovunal R Rela by Kriltch
  • 14 6 Introduction to Magic by KajetanWrites
  • 15 5 Game of Tomes: Once More with Filking by SableAradia
  • Ethnicity

  • 1 14 Kharmian by AzounIV
  • 2 14 Clay Giant Culture by RiverFang
  • 3 14 The gods by AmélieIS
  • 4 13 Cathartics by Ademal
  • 5 12 Irrean by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 6 11 Vaiho by throughthechi
  • 7 11 Ahrmur by AzounIV
  • 8 11 Raitin by Kefkejaco
  • 9 10 Underhaven Remnants by DaniAdventures
  • 10 10 Engi Gheni by Dazzlinkat
  • 11 9 Vank by strawberryAle
  • 12 9 Purists by Soulwing
  • 13 8 Phyraxgian by ChroniclesofEvalaw
  • 14 7 Elensh by ninne124
  • 15 6 Agorian by AzounIV
  • 16 5 A Place of Ancestry by Game Master Guru
  • 17 5 Munchkin by eccbooks
  • Formation

  • 1 27 Pavan Soulknights by Kefkejaco
  • 2 18 Owsla by SableAradia
  • 3 9 3rd Expeditionary Force by George Sanders
  • 4 8 Oitagter: The Fence-Shields by Daskalarch
  • 5 8 Cra-Mueo by Mutterwolf
  • 6 8 Mage squadrons by AmélieIS
  • 7 5 The Sapphire Jays by Game Master Guru
  • 8 5 The Ruby Roadrunners by Game Master Guru
  • 9 5 The Chalcedony Nightjars by Game Master Guru
  • 10 5 Yinit Squadron by SolarCat02
  • 11 5 Shinobi by Jester%
  • Item

  • 1 32 Worry Dolls by oncomingshower
  • 2 31 Gold Pieces by nnie
  • 3 20 Goggles of True Sight by Tillerz
  • 4 20 Quill of Dark Feelings by Tillerz
  • 5 19 Brass Coin by Lyraine Alei
  • 6 19 Maiden Armor by Lenosallose
  • 7 16 Koinz by melior64
  • 8 16 Bonding Band by Barron
  • 9 15 Star Candy by DapperCapricorn
  • 10 13 Solhdier's Teleportation Bread by Lenosallose
  • 11 13 Dragonbreath Vodka by Endrise
  • 12 12 Inklock by Bonus Action
  • 13 12 Soulfood by Theiket
  • 14 12 Sylvanheart Knives by ikenbon
  • 15 11 Solanian Masks by BasicDragon
  • 16 11 Electric Weapons by Kefkejaco
  • 17 11 Splintered Maiden Armor by Lenosallose
  • 18 11 The Trash Astori by milladamen
  • 19 11 Lumi Soup by DapperCapricorn
  • 20 11 Dreamlight crunch by Eallixy
  • 21 9 Doors of Somewhere by Lenosallose
  • 22 9 Desert Potage by BCGR_Wurth
  • 23 9 Thanagarian Mem-disk by Kummer Wolfe
  • 24 9 Prizrak Mirror by Gege16
  • 25 9 Aethermechanical Toolset by ecl1psed
  • 26 9 Potion of Transition by DapperCapricorn
  • 27 8 Dalari's Coffin by Mochimanoban
  • 28 8 Remerged Maiden Armor by Lenosallose
  • 29 8 Sack of Hiding by Dazzlinkat
  • 30 8 Lasselian Sound Ballistae by Darkseid
  • Language

  • 1 29 Rréraliázi by melior64
  • 2 23 Imperial Common by nnie
  • 3 19 Pavan by Kefkejaco
  • 4 12 Runic by EliKwake
  • 5 10 Celestial by nnie
  • 6 9 Saint Benedict's Tongue by Rey Writes
  • 7 8 Cricket by jylietmaddy
  • 8 7 Betadzen by davidarthursteele
  • 9 7 Sky Rider Signaling by Jester%
  • 10 7 The languages of the empire and translation magics by AmélieIS
  • 11 7 Historical Highcourt by ecl1psed
  • 12 6 Ovinex Gestural by BCGR_Wurth
  • 13 6 Araš by Angantyr
  • 14 5 Ikarian language by Callyxtus
  • (Super)Natural Law

  • 1 34 Cosmology by nnie
  • 2 24 Chaos Tempests by Kefkejaco
  • 3 22 Magical storms by AmélieIS
  • 4 20 Literomancy by SableAradia
  • 5 17 Divine Gate by kitoypoy
  • 6 16 Ki by Dazzlinkat
  • 7 15 White Forests by Naelin
  • 8 12 Totemic Gravity by kitoypoy
  • 9 12 Transubstantiation by ikenbon
  • 10 11 Nekaset Decay by Lenosallose
  • 11 10 Gravitia by Johe
  • 12 9 Scorched Radiation by Lenosallose
  • 13 8 Space Mithril Soul by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 14 7 The NERTH LAWS of Stuff by Game Master Guru
  • 15 7 Sakti Spellwork by LordGalakrond
  • 16 7 The NERTH LAWS of Skills by Game Master Guru
  • 17 7 The NERTH LISTs of Skills by Game Master Guru
  • 18 7 Iridian Bridge by Dutrius
  • 19 7 Mind Domains by Angantyr
  • 20 7 Magic overview by KrostaTina
  • 21 7 "Light" Magic by Callyxtus
  • 22 7 Dark Literomancy by ErinRigh
  • 23 7 The Nerth LAWS of Engagement by Game Master Guru
  • 24 7 The NERTH LAWS of Persona by Game Master Guru
  • 25 6 Necromancy by hcraven
  • 26 6 Directive B: The LAWs of Stuff by Game Master Guru
  • 27 6 Fundamentals of Magic by Bladeswillfall
  • 28 6 Personal Attribute by ecl1psed
  • 29 6 The TYPEs of Stuff by Game Master Guru
  • 30 5 The NERTH LAWs of Interplay by Game Master Guru
  • Building / Landmark

  • 1 20 Obvion Complex by Kummer Wolfe
  • 2 19 Periwinkle's Token Dispenser by Tillerz
  • 3 16 Adroon Library by Kefkejaco
  • 4 14 The Paper Trail by Theiket
  • 5 14 Limbs 2 Go by Tillerz
  • 6 12 Bard's Lute General Store by George Sanders
  • 7 11 The Red Lion inn by AmélieIS
  • 8 11 Ulan Shang Kov's Kremlin by Gege16
  • 9 10 Northern Plenty Free Marketplace by George Sanders
  • 10 10 The Vermillion Bird Dormitories - The Palace by SailingOcelot
  • 11 10 Road of Kings by Shadow Malachi
  • 12 9 Oddes Shoppe by Dazzlinkat
  • 13 9 Shane's Office by SolarCat02
  • 14 9 Sorcerer Vein Clinic by Endrise
  • 15 8 Yuhkuh by Kriltch
  • 16 8 Temples by thechangeling
  • 17 8 Hills of Vollan by RiverFang
  • 18 8 Stiydear Estate by Kummer Wolfe
  • 19 7 Yasu's Appartment by Endrise
  • 20 7 The Gilded Chain by ChroniclesofEvalaw
  • 21 6 Snuggler's Den by DapperCapricorn
  • 22 6 The Mirage Saloon by Timepool
  • 23 6 The Intercontil Highway by Typh39
  • 24 6 Empress Rock by Endrise
  • 25 5 Haus der Vampire by CrazyEddie
  • 26 5 Trinket Depot by DapperCapricorn
  • 27 5 Wyvernskulls Curse by ecl1psed
  • 28 5 The River's Coin by Hanhula
  • Geographic Location

  • 1 30 Nervonia by Kefkejaco
  • 2 28 Phyraxgia by ChroniclesofEvalaw
  • 3 24 Bratayya by Dhelian
  • 4 22 Henvikendal by Dhelian
  • 5 22 Vaijia by Dhelian
  • 6 21 Vuonampi by Dhelian
  • 7 20 Mag Mell - Realm of the Fae by Tillerz
  • 8 18 Tnoutzqep Touenektol: Lover's Cave by Timepool
  • 9 17 Ougadiai by Dhelian
  • 10 17 The Fever Breach by Dylonishere123
  • 11 15 Boiling Mountains by nnie
  • 12 15 Troll Hills by Kummer Wolfe
  • 13 15 Sao by Mochimanoban
  • 14 14 Aethelland by Dhelian
  • 15 14 Kurhira by Mochimanoban
  • 16 13 The Contested Lands by Lyraine Alei
  • 17 13 Lands of the Wind by thechangeling
  • 18 13 Stunveldt by Naelin
  • 19 13 Rothnia by Dhelian
  • 20 13 Chalk Expanse by Naelin
  • 21 12 The Realm of Eternal Slumber by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 22 12 Geography of Niorath by Kefkejaco
  • 23 11 Eleven: Puck the Living Moon by Mochimanoban
  • 24 10 Sunless Paths by Dhelian
  • 25 10 Twinspire peak by Soulwing
  • 26 10 Constellation of the Cup Bearer by thechangeling
  • 27 10 Plano elemental de Viento by Johe
  • 28 10 Yophas, the Eternal Design by Eraellas
  • 29 10 Lithmark by Dhelian
  • 30 9 Sacred Land Scars by Stormbril
  • Material

  • 1 26 Fireshroom by Kefkejaco
  • 2 13 Prismarine by Dutrius
  • 3 12 Ambrita by Golemancer
  • 4 10 Thorasite by Jarhed
  • 5 10 Superbia by Soulwing
  • 6 9 Crafting materials and anti-magic metal by AmélieIS
  • 7 8 Cellulomold by BCGR_Wurth
  • 8 8 Ground Dragon Bones by George Sanders
  • 9 7 Blood by Mochimanoban
  • 10 6 Voea V'taera: Sheet Wood by Daskalarch
  • 11 6 Sprite Spruce by SyntaxChick
  • 12 6 Fiodh de fhreumhan teine by Angantyr
  • 13 5 Aquatheerdaal by Kwyn Marie
  • Military Conflict

  • 1 22 Pavan-Raitin War by Kefkejaco
  • 2 19 The Siege of Xefi by EliKwake
  • 3 15 The Dhitol - Leva Trade War by Dylonishere123
  • 4 15 The Week of Terrors by ninne124
  • 5 15 Battle of the Warren by SableAradia
  • 6 14 Gold Flood by Lyraine Alei
  • 7 14 The Halley War - Skod Varinno by Winger
  • 8 12 Siege of Mirasoon by George Sanders
  • 9 10 The Taking of Fever Breach by Dylonishere123
  • 10 9 The Gathering Storm - Year of the Three Emperors by Darkseid
  • 11 9 The Great Betrayal: Sundering of Existence by DaniAdventures
  • 12 8 Siege of the five kings by cow2face
  • 13 7 War of the Towers by Bonus Action
  • 14 6 The battle at Lux Peak by Soulwing
  • 15 5 The Great Drake Humi War by Kriltch
  • 16 5 Battle of the Walls of Fire by Callyxtus
  • 17 5 The Battle for the Sacred Enclosure by Damparo
  • 18 5 The defeat of the Dark Lord by AmélieIS
  • Myth / Legend

  • 1 36 The Seven Day War by Stormbril
  • 2 29 The Eyes of Samara by thechangeling
  • 3 18 Divine Golem by Kefkejaco
  • 4 13 The Beastshade by Theiket
  • 5 13 Collected Works of P. H. Croveloft by Tillerz
  • 6 12 Illirfrain by PanthersEye
  • 7 12 Dawnera by Satrium
  • 8 11 Moon Sisters by DapperCapricorn
  • 9 11 Legend of the Fire Rangers by Jacob-W
  • 10 10 Tales of Mulmunie and Sessinie the sea creatures by AmélieIS
  • 11 9 Gorn's Story by George Sanders
  • 12 9 Ring of the Rising Sun by shyredfox
  • 13 9 Rumours of the 15th by Stormbril
  • 14 8 The Creation of the Fellstones by Game Master Guru
  • 15 8 Cior & Cal by MaybeStewartArtist
  • 16 7 Lylla's curse by Melu
  • 17 6 The Flame of Ilder by Jarhed
  • 18 5 Ye Musical Doom by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 19 5 Wyrdrings by Dutrius
  • 20 5 The Many Gods of Èirigh: A Religious Primer by MaybeStewartArtist
  • 21 5 Fòmhar by MaybeStewartArtist
  • 22 5 Cuimhne by MaybeStewartArtist
  • Organization

  • 1 27 Sheol Empire by after_xero
  • 2 25 The Beacons of Hope by oncomingshower
  • 3 18 Kingdom of Merthiorn by Naelin
  • 4 16 Eluin's Shadow by milladamen
  • 5 16 Ilbon Pantheon by Kefkejaco
  • 6 14 Rhaead by Hanhula
  • 7 13 Gilded Hoard by nnie
  • 8 13 The Aletheian Empire by Hanhula
  • 9 12 Office of the Archdruid of New York by SoulLink
  • 10 12 Konne & Mann by Dutrius
  • 11 11 Neklian by ninne124
  • 12 11 Te Akoranga by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 13 11 Church of Tranquil Return by KajetanWrites
  • 14 10 Pavan Empire by Kefkejaco
  • 15 10 Unity Concord by Negev1812
  • 16 10 Introduction to imperial politics and the Light and Dark political factions by AmélieIS
  • 17 10 The Great Empire of Malvarron by Gillymaya
  • 18 9 The Brethren by Dazzlinkat
  • 19 9 Mortal's Society by Satrium
  • 20 8 Javon Family by SolarCat02
  • 21 8 Efinian Empire by KajetanWrites
  • 22 7 Dysvollean Archeological Society by ninne124
  • 23 7 The Schools of Magic by anotherwannabe
  • 24 7 Agbithan Crusade by Frogdrake
  • 25 7 The Malvarri Military by Gillymaya
  • 26 7 The Thirteenth Rib by ikenbon
  • 27 7 The World Federation of Quantan by Sodose
  • 28 7 Ares Program by SpyglassRealms
  • 29 6 Haveid Family by SolarCat02
  • 30 6 Church of the Devoted by Davina
  • Person / Character

  • 1 36 Gabriel of Lindus by Dimitris
  • 2 23 Amberlie "Pariah" Hurst by Dylonishere123
  • 3 19 Signal by George Sanders
  • 4 19 Sable Aradia by SableAradia
  • 5 17 First Empress by Endrise
  • 6 17 Legnas the Illusionist by ninne124
  • 7 16 Pippa Sonata by Tillerz
  • 8 16 Thilarie by Soulwing
  • 9 15 Matazel the Lonely by thechangeling
  • 10 14 Veld the Imaginative by Naelin
  • 11 14 Calenvo: Lord of Remembrance by AwsmChimera
  • 12 14 Thessaly Cadenza by Tillerz
  • 13 14 High Sage Syronikir by Kefkejaco
  • 14 14 Shirkania Yanga by Gege16
  • 15 13 Sebastián by Naelin
  • 16 13 Chariot by Naelin
  • 17 12 Shyri Cragjumper by Dazzlinkat
  • 18 12 Atzla - The Twin-Goddess of War by Darkseid
  • 19 11 Gorn by George Sanders
  • 20 11 Tesel by Naelin
  • 21 11 Niri, The Proprietor by Theiket
  • 22 11 Kiselon by milladamen
  • 23 10 Garmaw Silvertongue by ecl1psed
  • 24 10 Ljef by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 25 10 Osana Nilhin by ninne124
  • 26 10 Joseph Dornstrike by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 27 10 Tetramerge by Naelin
  • 28 10 BETTY by Adcheryl
  • 29 10 Nellerlë of Astan by Callyxtus
  • 30 10 Ruk by Kummer Wolfe
  • Plot

  • 1 19 Dragon Freedom by Kefkejaco
  • 2 14 Void Warfare by Dylonishere123
  • 3 12 In search of a spider's lair by MGatta
  • 4 12 The Arcana Quest Series by rynthewin
  • 5 10 It Happened One Evening by Dazzlinkat
  • 6 8 The Mother of Badgers by SableAradia
  • 7 8 Honeypaste Haul by Bonus Action
  • 8 7 Prisoner of the Moon by hughpierre
  • 9 7 Arc 1: This is Nuts! by Kelban
  • 10 7 Caravan to Montsilt by George Sanders
  • 11 6 Nightmare: The Plot by eccbooks
  • 12 5 The Krantz Doctrine by The_Archmagos
  • Profession

  • 1 27 Sealing Wax Maker by JamesWoodwright
  • 2 18 Harvester by hcraven
  • 3 17 Specialists by Dylonishere123
  • 4 15 Shadow Sage by Kefkejaco
  • 5 15 hair stylist by SolarCat02
  • 6 11 Mapfolk by melior64
  • 7 11 Sanitation Mages by Orthais
  • 8 10 Sabeyun by thechangeling
  • 9 9 Flesh-dím or Kursu by Golemancer
  • 10 8 Way of the Gun by Game Master Guru
  • 11 8 Arcane librarian by milladamen
  • 12 7 Natural Philosopher by Gern
  • 13 7 Way of the Scholar by Game Master Guru
  • 14 7 Jewelcrafter by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 15 7 Way of the Scrounge by Game Master Guru
  • 16 7 Way of the Splicer by Game Master Guru
  • 17 7 The Cartographer by Adcheryl
  • 18 6 Focus Crafter by DapperCapricorn
  • 19 6 Arcanist by TheSolitaryGamer
  • 20 6 Way of the Wrench by Game Master Guru
  • 21 6 Way of the Dealer by Game Master Guru
  • 22 5 Blacksmith by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • Ritual / Tradition

  • 1 29 The Dwarven Twists by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 2 24 The Month of Burning by Naelin
  • 3 22 Tidal Torture by Bonus Action
  • 4 18 Arokush by Satrium
  • 5 17 Scavenging by Dylonishere123
  • 6 15 Frog Parade by Kefkejaco
  • 7 14 Shadowcatching Festivals by ikenbon
  • 8 14 Five Hundred Fun Ways to Die by SolarCat02
  • 9 12 First Contact by AntimatterNuke
  • 10 12 Drink or Dare by DapperCapricorn
  • 11 12 Clay Giant Culinary Arts by RiverFang
  • 12 12 Dwarf Tossing by Endrise
  • 13 12 The Calendar by Naelin
  • 14 12 Skyfire Winter Solstice Feast by milladamen
  • 15 11 Reflection Ball by Kaleidechse
  • 16 10 Tomesmas by SableAradia
  • 17 9 Jungle Bells by Dazzlinkat
  • 18 9 Royal Childbirth by ImoenKim
  • 19 9 Mordena Funerary Rites by SolarCat02
  • 20 9 Mushroom feasts by Itvoadan
  • 21 9 Vollan Rue by RiverFang
  • 22 9 Name Casting by EliKwake
  • 23 8 Talvi Festival by Starfarertheta
  • 24 8 Tatanka Roundup by RiverFang
  • 25 8 Food traditions by AmélieIS
  • 26 7 Fjordwalking by Bonus Action
  • 27 7 Crienia marriage tradition by cow2face
  • 28 7 Tribal Markings by RiverFang
  • 29 7 Pilgrimage of the Covenant by Nightflyer0ne
  • 30 6 Nuptial Rite by MissIzette
  • Rank / Title

  • 1 18 Sumia Kahin by thechangeling
  • 2 14 High Okarina by Tillerz
  • 3 13 Mayor by George Sanders
  • 4 12 The Man in Black by ikenbon
  • 5 12 High Sage by Kefkejaco
  • 6 11 Kharoush by ImoenKim
  • 7 11 The imperial nobility by AmélieIS
  • 8 9 Society President by ninne124
  • 9 8 Marked by Michael Chandra
  • 10 8 Field commander by Soulwing
  • 11 8 Queen of Hearts by eccbooks
  • 12 6 The Chief Rabbit by SableAradia
  • 13 5 Pitymaster by A Lambent Eye
  • 14 5 Ambassador by SolarCat02
  • 15 5 Breaker of Chains by Dylonishere123
  • Settlement

  • 1 23 Raitin Citadel by Kefkejaco
  • 2 17 Hidey-Hidey Lair by Dazzlinkat
  • 3 16 Ruins of Neklian by ninne124
  • 4 12 Ajmathi, The Grand Bazaar of Rie’shae. by ChroniclesofEvalaw
  • 5 12 Makari by Tillerz
  • 6 9 Oblogga by Rumengol
  • 7 8 Blati by Callyxtus
  • 8 7 Churdawn by Kummer Wolfe
  • 9 7 Euvaria by Mochimanoban
  • 10 7 City of Dia by Naelin
  • 11 7 Newport City by Davina
  • 12 6 Nicomeia - Arsenal of the Hegemony by Darkseid
  • 13 6 Placeholder: City Name by Rey Writes
  • 14 6 Irgian by Adcheryl
  • 15 5 Underville by Kwyn Marie
  • 16 5 Theden by hcraven
  • 17 5 Neverland by eccbooks
  • 18 5 Dirkkatael by SolarCat02
  • 19 5 Consular, The City of Enlightenment by Typh39
  • 20 5 Helɉarva by SyntaxChick
  • Species

  • 1 55 Corvidan by melior64
  • 2 46 White Soldier by Serukis
  • 3 32 ORC by Kefkejaco
  • 4 28 Prime Asmer by Kefkejaco
  • 5 27 Dragon Birds by Callyxtus
  • 6 26 Pea Shanklet by Serukis
  • 7 25 Dragon by nnie
  • 8 24 Feathery Societarian by Naelin
  • 9 23 Fungowl by Catoblepon
  • 10 22 Ashy Baby by Serukis
  • 11 22 Vulpe by Dimitris
  • 12 20 Arellund by ChroniclesofEvalaw
  • 13 19 Kobold by Soulwing
  • 14 19 Parasitic Coral by SolarCat02
  • 15 19 Dazzloncat by Tillerz
  • 16 19 Mixiplix by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 17 19 Nitkim by Theiket
  • 18 18 Prickly sparks by AmélieIS
  • 19 18 Pexi by Theiket
  • 20 17 Kashik by Theiket
  • 21 17 Hirschmall by Naelin
  • 22 17 Lacy Ladies by nnie
  • 23 16 Muramura by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
  • 24 15 Brìgh fiodha by Angantyr
  • 25 15 Asteran by Theiket
  • 26 15 Furry Societarian by Naelin
  • 27 15 Olokargh by Theiket
  • 28 15 Pronotor by Theiket
  • 29 15 Chilgo by Theiket
  • 30 14 Stonewind Dragon by Theiket
  • Spell / Ability

  • 1 17 Spark // Glimmer by Soulwing
  • 2 17 The Black Signal by Dylonishere123
  • 3 16 Map Scry by Dazzlinkat
  • 4 14 Chaos Well by Kefkejaco
  • 5 13 Landfill Barrier Spell by KajetanWrites
  • 6 12 Immortality, and the Dark Arts by ikenbon
  • 7 10 Soul Call by SolarCat02
  • 8 9 Healing magic by AmélieIS
  • 9 9 Dhahabi Tawul by thechangeling
  • 10 8 Scrying Channels by ikenbon
  • 11 8 Tsar Bomba by Jarhed
  • 12 8 Step of the Ruin by Revyera
  • 13 6 Kyl-Y-Ormà by FibroJedi
  • 14 6 Plantlife by Michael Chandra
  • 15 5 Summon or Banish Currency by nnie
  • 16 5 Healing by Michael Chandra
  • 17 5 Distripate by SolarCat02
  • Technology / Science

  • 1 27 The Common Calendar by melior64
  • 2 25 Higgstech by Dylonishere123
  • 3 20 Barbecue Golem by Mochimanoban
  • 4 14 Quantum Chroniton Vibration Wave Effect by Kummer Wolfe
  • 5 13 Storm Armor by Kefkejaco
  • 6 13 Imperial Teleportation Network by nnie
  • 7 11 The Lanterns of Sol by Starfarertheta
  • 8 11 Forest Roads by George Sanders
  • 9 10 Totemic Gravity Drives by kitoypoy
  • 10 9 Poppet by Endrise
  • 11 8 Sense writing for the blind by AmélieIS
  • 12 7 Ley-Line Carts by FenDawnchild
  • 13 6 Weaving by Angantyr
  • 14 5 Molten Platform by TerinHD
  • 15 5 Bionic Arm by TheDoctor292
  • 16 5 Sumichou Techo by shyredfox
  • Vehicle

  • 1 20 Eden Avatars by Dylonishere123
  • 2 15 Explorer's Mechanica by ikenbon
  • 3 12 Tanajin's Juggernaut by Kefkejaco
  • 4 9 Road Maker by George Sanders
  • 5 8 ArcLev train by Eallixy
  • 6 8 Flying Palace by DapperCapricorn
  • 7 6 Scarabeus wagon by Revyera
  • 8 6 Mobile Clinic by Davina
  • Last update: 2022-01-01 20:07:50.492086 GMT