Stephani Kim
While Cordell Klakowicz is the most visible face of the Spaceport, Stephani is the one who keeps everything running smoothly. As Cordell's executive secretary, she keeps Cordell's schedule and organizes the day's meetings.
Stephani is the unsung hero of the 'port, quietly invisible to most everyone, she is keenly aware of every development and special need. She coordinates resources and responses when things don't run according to plan.
And really... when do things ever go as planned?
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Stephani's parents immigrated to the US when she was only a baby. The oldest child of six, Stephani was largely responsible for raising her younger siblings while her parents worked. She studied hard and graduated in 1996 with a major in business.
Stephani was one of the original group of friends recruited to help set up the charity event that would eventually become the Spaceport.
Stephani worked as a secretary at a real estate firm until she was recruited to be a permanent employee at the Spaceport.
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