Commander Dreena Neelio
Commander Dreena Neelio (a.k.a. Blue)
Commander Dreena Neelio was one of the most feared Antarean warriors. She rose through the ranks both by survival and skill. At 20, she was already considered mature by Antarean standards as warriors begin fighting in their early teens due to the duration of the war.
Her success led her to train many of the younger fighters.
In her efforts to end the war, she led a fierce raid on Eridani Prime.
She secured an uneasy peace, but only at the cost of 70% of the Antarean fighting force, many of which she had trained.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Identifying Characteristics
- blue skin
- intense blue eyes
- webbed fingers
- long blue-black wavy hair
Apparel & Accessories
- costume: that of a 1950's diner waitress
Specialized Equipment
- she maintains a specialized arsenal of weaponry including an Antarean lason, a hand-held weapon that uses both laser and sonic power. This weapon does not have a stun setting.
Mental characteristics
Formerly the commander of the Antarean fleet, she now works at Blue's Bar as the waitress/owner.
Accomplishments & Achievements
Led the most significant battle in the Eridani-Antares war.
Failures & Embarrassments
While the battle was a success, she lost 60% of her battle group, including most of her friends and her little sister. The cost of peace was high.
Mental Trauma
After the win in the battle of Eridani Prime, she began having nightmares.
While it is believed that she stepped down from her command, her government actually put her on leave.
She was sent to a quiet part of space to rest, far from the battlefield. Someone on Antares revealed her travel plans to the Eridanians and she was conveniently attacked soon after her ship exited the TREIN.
Intellectual Characteristics
Highly intelligent. Her education, like that of all Antareans, focused on fighting and warfare.
Morality & Philosophy
Raised in a world at war, she is warlike by nature. While she prefers peace in theory, she's not opposed to killing in order to achieve it.
Surrender and any sign of weakness
Personality Characteristics
Savvies & Ineptitudes
Extremely good with weapons of any type and can fly anything.
Not always the best in social situations.
Likes & Dislikes
anything that shoots or flies
any sign of weakness
- likes to chew gum
- snaps bubbles when aggravated
Zalu - roughly translates to: "rats." Used as a swear word.
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I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Kill it.
- Antarean - native
- Eridanian - fluent
- English - proficient