Free Agent

Each Lead Banker will have several Tellers reporting to them. These will include indentured servants and free agents. Free agents are necessary to expand the banker's reach and ensure that all areas of their assigned territory are monitored. Free agents explore new territories and look for potential assets, whenever possible negotiating in the banker's stead or at least setting up the beginnings of the negotiation.

If a free agent happens upon an escaped or potential asset, they will take the entity into custody, providing for them until they can be presented to the banker.

While some see these individuals as little more than pirates or slavers, it is important to note that their pay is based upon the value of the asset that they bring in. Therefore, assets are always treated with the utmost care and concern for their health and well-being. In some cultures that are familiar with free agents, individuals who have lost hope will actually seek out a free agent to turn themselves into, knowing that their future will be brighter under the care of these beings.


Career Progression

Free agents come to the Intergalactic Banking Institute seeking adventure and the chance to explore the galaxy. They are attached to a Lead Banker as a special form of Teller. Tellers are often indentured servants, but some earn their freedom and progress to Free Agents if they decide to remain with their banker.

Payment & Reimbursement

Paid strictly on commission, free agents earn a percentage of any profitable transaction they arrange.

Other Benefits

Provided with a ship and basic necessities for survival, free agents roam the sectors assigned to their Lead Banker looking for escaped or potential assets.


Social Status

Free agents are treated with respect and caution.

This article is a stub.

I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Alternative Names
Intelligence Gathering

While their profession falls under the banking branch of the galaxy's trade, their role is close to that of a legal enforcer.

Other Associated professions


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Jan 31, 2025 08:17

So... Bounty hunters but for assets? Interesting take!

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