Antarean Council Member

Each council member earns their position either through military prowess or power in the infrastructure of the planet. Note that on Antares, very little is not in some way related to the war effort, so even industrial power figures are in some way related to the war effort.

Council members serve until death or until they are replaced, often by force.

For example: one key member would be the head of the industrial complex for ship building. This council member will retain their position until they are replaced in their industrial duties. If the member's industrial quota was not met or if they were found to be incompetent, they would immediatel be replaced both in their industrial duties and in their council position.

Ideally, these positions are held by those who have proven their merit to society through prowess in battle or through skill in industry.


They must be the best at what they do, either in industry or in military prowess.


They are either raised in rank militarily or promoted in industry.


The council members review policies and determine the priorities for funding and resources.


Council Members are considered to have the weight of the world on their shoulders, therefore society tries to make their day-to-day life challenges as light as possible. The position includes a staff to take care of their daily needs as well as a staff to help organize the work load for materials they need to review. Each council member will have a staff of advisors, some of whom may be of appropriate rank to take over if something happens to require the removal or replacement of the council member.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Each member wears a sash signifying their rank.


There are records denoting that the council members will disband when the war is over. However no one is certain what the political structure would become in the absense of the council. As Antares begins to contemplate what might be the end of the war, one large part of the agenda will be determining the future ruling body. Some have suggested that the council should remain in power as it is now the only governing body anyone alive can remember.

This article is a stub.

I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Civic, Political
Form of Address
Councilmember or by their military rank
Source of Authority
The council and the people of Antares
Length of Term
Useful life or as long as they hold the position either militarily or in industry
Related Locations
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