
Built by the Ciceronean guides in ancient times, Lighthouses are scattered all over the universe. These outposts stand guard against the darkness of space providing haven and direction for all who come.

Purpose / Function

Designed as ports for the TREIN network, these Lighthouses provide peace and stability throughout the universe.


Lighthouses are designed around a central spire that houses a cathedral designed to impress the visitor with a view of the vastness of Space Between. Below the cathedral are a series of rings containing hotels, shops, workspaces, and other necessities for the residents and visitors to the station.


Each Lighthouse is equiped with the strongest Ciceronean weaponry.


Open to all and placed strategically on the Transgalactic Recreation and Exploration Interconnection Nexus Vehicle network, Lighthouses are often the first spaceport structure experienced by travellers out to explore the galaxy.

Since each Lighthouse follows the same pattern, these stations lend a sense of home and continuity to an otherwise diverse and potentially overwhelming universe.

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Orbital, Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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