Grand Entry Hall

Welcome to the Spaceport!

This glass covered area allows visitors to acclimate to the 'port's unique atmosphere. To your right, Blue's Bar will provide you with food and sustenance to make sure you are fully energized for your visit. To your left, you'll find "Artist's Alley" a place dedicated to the most unusual art finds from Earth and around the galaxy. Take some time to explore and encourage today's featured artists.

At the ticket counter, you'll be issued a badge that also provides you with your initial currency deposit. If you'd like to increase funds - or even withdraw them - proceed further back into the hall to one of the financial exchange booths. All forms of currency can be exchanged for Spaceport credits.

Towards the back of the hall, you'll find the entrance to the Arcade and several marked meeting areas where individuals can arrange to meet up with their party members. Individual restroom facilities are also available and geared to accomodate the needs of our varied clientelle.

If you feel under or over-dressed, proceed up the escalator to The Clothes Horse where you can purchase costumes or accessories.

Upstairs you'll find the Promenade full of shops to explore.

Don't forget that the main attraction of the 'port is the ability to interact with individuals from around the galaxy as well as with humans from this interdicted world in a safe and mutually beneficial space. Take time to meet your fellow visitors.

Should you need medical or other emergency services, please don't hesitate to reach out to members of our staff. We want your visit to be safe, enjoyable, and memorable for a lifetime.

Purpose / Function

This area contains the ticket booths, financial transaction areas, and provides a clearly designated meeting zone for groups to meet and take care of their basic orientation needs before exploring the Spaceport.

This article is a stub.

I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Great hall
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Cover image: by Deleyna via Midjourney


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